Nursery Info

Nursery Info

Admission Info

Parents are welcome to find out what we’re all about at Little Footsteps by making an appointment for a tour of our nursery. You will meet with our management team and learn about all we have to offer. You can learn about us while we find out all about you and your child. 

Our team will work with you to choose an appropriate starting date and work on a plan to help your child settle in once he or she is here. Our settling in sessions will help foster an easy transition for your child. We will designate a key worker who will work closely with you and your child. 
The staff to child ratio for some activities may increase to support the children fully so they gain the most from their learning experience.

Inclusion and Equality

Little Footsteps promotes equality of opportunity at our nursery. We are an anti-discriminatory practice. Discrimination on the grounds of gender, age, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, ethnic or national origin, or political belief has no place within this nursery.

We are open to all children and families in the local community as we adhere to a comprehensive and inclusive admissions policy. All projects and services are available to all groups and individuals in the community. We encourage children to learn about diversity and develop positive attitudes to people of different backgrounds. The skills we promote include empathy and critical thinking. 
A commitment to implementing our inclusion and equality policy forms part of each employee’s job description. Should anyone believe that this policy is not being upheld, it is their duty to report the matter to the attention of a manager at the earliest opportunity.

Contact Little Footsteps today to let us know what your child’s needs are and how we can meet them at our nursery. We can provide the necessary adjustments to keep your child comfortable in our care. You can trust our fully trained staff to provide what’s best for your child. 
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