All our children love going on outings, especially to the park.
July 2024 - Seeds all got their sun cream and hats on and headed down to the park. On the way to the park seeds grown-ups talked to the children about the weather. We all waved and pointed at any truck or bus that went past!
Once seeds got down to the park, they found a shaded area to sit and have their snack. They all enjoyed some pear and apricot for snack. Seeds all sat very nicely to eat their snack and had a big drink of water to hydrate before going onto the park. They all then rushed over to the park to have some fun. Seeds were very good at waiting their turn, and they all were happy to go on all of the equipment.
Seeds also visited the ducks, they all sat down and watched the ducks run around, the Seeds grown-ups talked to the children about how there is mummy ducks and ducklings. Some of seeds quacked at the ducks, the ducks were quacking very loudly back at us.
Before heading back to nursery Seeds went for a small walk through the woods. Seeds really enjoyed the cool shade. Some of Seeds had a short nap before getting back to nursery for lunch.