This room has a capacity for thirty-two pre-school children aged 3 to 5 years old (approx according to individual needs). Your child will move from Shoots to Buds either on or after their 3rd birthday or when your child’s Key-worker feels they are developmentally ready. There will be one senior member of staff and three assistants when at full capacity. Ofsted guidance states a 1 adult to 8 children ratio, we endeavour to run on a 1 adult to 6 children where possible.
✿ Cosy corner with book sharing, sensory resources and carpet activities. This area is softened with cushions and designed for quiet, relaxation and circle time discussions.
✿ Imaginative and role play area with full equipped home corner and dressing-up clothes/outfits and small world play resources. This will be set up to reflect the significant themes throughout the year e.g. Christmas, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Passover, Black History Month and many more. As well as significant life events that may affect children e.g. New birth of a sibling, Visiting the dentists, Visiting the doctors, Bereavements.
✿ Small world play space.
✿ Water play.
✿ Maths and technology carpet.
✿ Creative and messy play area within the conservatory, that has double doors connecting to the outdoor play space so creativity can be carried out into the outdoor environment. In the area we have a fully functioning work bench allowing children access to junk modelling, painting easel and arts and crafts at all times.
✿ Construction area for all the creative and building needs, with a wide range of materials and resources.
✿ ICT and mark making table to inspire children to develop their early writing and computer skills.
✿ Table top activities including jigsaw and games